Scripture Reading - 2 Corinthians 10:5

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; KJV

We have been studying the subject of “thought” and building upon the fact that all “thoughts” are the voices of beings and things in the spirit realm. Since “thought” always proceeds action we must be wise in which “thoughts” we receive (listen to, obey, submit to). We know that the “thoughts” of God are always good, right and healthy for all. However, the “thoughts” of man can be good, evil or neutral. I have heard some say that everything is either good or evil but personally we (ihlcc) do not endorse that position. Some try to simplify the sources of “thought” to either God for all good “thoughts” or Satan for all bad (evil) “thoughts”. Although this does simplify the possible sources it would negate the role of man and other things. For example the scripture tells us in Matthew 12:36 that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account of. The word “idle” in that verse basically means “non-productive, inactive”. We have already concluded that every word originated with a “thought” and was communicated through the sound of voice. Therefore the third category of neutral must be recognized. I think we sometimes wish everything was right or wrong but there are plenty of things that fall some where in the middle. Thus, man as an example was not created for evil but he can reproduce it. Remember, God created the man good in Genesis 1:31 but by the time we read Genesis 6:5 many men were wicked. This wickedness came from the imagination (the conglomeration of the “thoughts”) of their heart being on evil continuously. Money, as our next example, was not created to do evil but simply as a medium of exchange. Money, was made to help men exchange goods and services through a common rate or value. However, since that original creation men have used money to do evil as well as good. Remember, the love of money is the root of all evil not the physical money itself. Which basically means the consuming “thought” of more money gives place to greed, which is the breading ground of the devil. The word devil is d-evil which is the combination of the two words - developed evil. The development of evil thrives in the circulation of unregulated “thoughts” outside of God. The thought of having to decide what you should think on is why we must cast down all imagines of evil. Any “thought” that tries to supercede God’s Word must be excommunicated (disregarded). Yes, dear saint every “thought” must be brought into submission (agreement) to God’s Word or it will bring you into opposition with God. So diligently judge your “thoughts” so that your “thoughts” don’t bring you into the judgement of God. Amen!